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Posts published in “Anger”

Toss The Box

“I think about it everyday. I’m told I am not a good father. I married a person who is not in love with me. I have all these unopened boxes from my previous life that I move and drag around everywhere I go.”

I know him to be a great dad and even better human being. He was carrying boxes of suffocating guilt placed in his boat without his … Read More

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Just Play, Please!

Listening to the Packers game on the radio last Sunday, the announcer exclaimed, “What a great hit! And no flag!” Second announcer replied, “Imagine that.”

I grew up loving the passion and exuberance of an NFL game. Today, I twitch. I twitch with either dread or relief. … Read More

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A Living Autopsy

“Autopsy: a postmortem examination to discover the cause of death, also used for research and education.”

I watch a television show called, “Autopsy: The Last Hours of . . . “. They take what would seem an obvious cause of death, peel back the medical examiners report of physical substances discovered in the body and reveal the real causes of why someone died. What would seem apparent… Read More

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Good – Write It Publicly. Bad – Say it Privately!

Immaturity comes in all ages. Immaturity is a lack of skills demonstrating low self esteem and inability to create healthy relationships with others. One sign of immaturity; … Read More

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