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Posts published in “Value”

Reject False Guilt

FALSE GUILT is the universal control of man over man. Liberated from this prison, one can explore and understand true relationships. False guilt produces false relationships with our planet, our fellow humans and even God! The false notion that gods made the sun and moon disappear rather than accept a planetary eclipse, formulates false fears and false dread of weather. Read More (more ...)

One Step Toward the Beach

Everyone, at one time or another, will find themselves surrounded by an uncontrollable tide, pulling reluctant and tired legs toward yet another uncomfortable, unpredictable future. In these deeply disturbing times, sitting quiet and alone in my thoughts, I’ve internalized the question, “What the hell is going on with me? I don’t understand my thoughts and feelings, unable to explain them to myself, forget trying to describe them to anyone else.” Read More (more ...)

Toss The Box

“I think about it everyday. I’m told I am not a good father. I married a person who is not in love with me. I have all these unopened boxes from my previous life that I move and drag around everywhere I go.”

I know him to be a great dad and even better human being. He was carrying boxes of suffocating guilt placed in his boat without his … Read More

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Pain’s Voice

People who don’t “fit in” want to participate in life, but struggle with the acumen of required interpersonal skill. We don’t see our formative moments as adversity shapes and contradicts our natural responses. Pain must have a voice – I speak for those who identify with its existence and experience.

A great read for those who wish to understand and empathize and extend a gentle embrace of acceptance.… Read More

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Protect Your Core

The tumultuous molten center of the earth creates a fierce, magnetic field, protecting us from deadly sun flares. Without this massive invisible shield, emanating up and out through layers of crust, water and rock – protecting and guarding us with a steely determination as a mother Grizzly to her newborn cub – we would shortly become a dead planet.

What is the core that protects and guards your soul, Read More

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Love Responds

Arrogance cannot coexist with love.

Disappointment, the black hole that swallows all joy.

Joy, contentment, and peace are absent your responses . . . replaced with name calling, labels and barbs of expectations unfulfilled in my human replies. The last two letters you used the terms “disappointed, liberal, liar, scoffer, false prophet, damnable heresies, hell bound, deceived, and gobbledygook.”

I came to you with an open heart,… Read More

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