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Posts published in “Broken”

Reject False Guilt

FALSE GUILT is the universal control of man over man. Liberated from this prison, one can explore and understand true relationships. False guilt produces false relationships with our planet, our fellow humans and even God! The false notion that gods made the sun and moon disappear rather than accept a planetary eclipse, formulates false fears and false dread of weather. Read More (more ...)

Addiction Answered

Addiction is the brain battling for reward – continuously searching for reinforcement. We are evolutionary learning machines, craving memories of euphoria and satisfaction. The earlier we instill value and worth into each human being, from the first breath of a baby, through turbulent youth and pain of adulthood, the more likely … Read More

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How To Run Barefoot With Your Heart

I don’t run, jog, or even have a regular physical regimen (I know, I know, it shows). But I’ve been fascinated by reading “Born to Run,” the story of the Tarahumara Indian runners who have found the secret of no injury running for hundreds and hundreds of miles by going barefoot (or minimalist coverings).

The book says where there is pain, injury, abnormalities,
look for … Read More

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A Living Autopsy

“Autopsy: a postmortem examination to discover the cause of death, also used for research and education.”

I watch a television show called, “Autopsy: The Last Hours of . . . “. They take what would seem an obvious cause of death, peel back the medical examiners report of physical substances discovered in the body and reveal the real causes of why someone died. What would seem apparent… Read More

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