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Posts published in “Grow”

The Pistol

The cold trigger curved around my finger….hammer cocked….a bullet anticipating a strike and thrust. The woods smelled of Fall, dry leaves crunched under my legs as I squatted down and leaned against a thick birch tree. I heard rustling sounds, imagining squirrels playfully darting back and forth, birds singing their last song of summer. In just another moment, it would all be silence. Read More (more ...)

Born to Run

We are born with everything we need.

Tarahumara Indians of northern Mexico are known as The Running People. They can run 16x further than a marathon . . . Barefoot! Studies have shown the modern, expensive running shoes, with all their extra cushion in the heel, have destroyed our natural running style, causing decades of injuries.

Running barefoot allows our feet to … Read More

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Time To Grow Up!

I am having repeated experiences with behaviors and attitudes that make me shake my head! Whether it’s online posts, asking simple questions, driving our highways, I wonder; what does it mean today to be mature?

Age has proven not to be an indicator. This week, I have observed mature actions from a 6 and 8 year old and what I believe are immature behaviors from … Read More

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