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Posts published in “Home”

The Pistol

The cold trigger curved around my finger….hammer cocked….a bullet anticipating a strike and thrust. The woods smelled of Fall, dry leaves crunched under my legs as I squatted down and leaned against a thick birch tree. I heard rustling sounds, imagining squirrels playfully darting back and forth, birds singing their last song of summer. In just another moment, it would all be silence. Read More (more ...)

Ordinary People

Ding dong. Our doorbell rang and I heard my wife talking to the 8 year old neighbor girl who had stopped by to say hello. I was sitting on the couch nursing a bum hip from hoisting too many stones and rocks for landscaping. In consideration, my wife was gently telling her that we were busy and could not talk right now.

I quickly analyzed the situation;… Read More

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