The cold trigger curved around my finger….hammer cocked….a bullet anticipating a strike and thrust. The woods smelled of Fall, dry leaves crunched under my legs as I squatted down and leaned against a thick birch tree. I heard rustling sounds, imagining squirrels playfully darting back and forth, birds singing their last song of summer. In just another moment, it would all be silence. Read More (more ...)
Posts published in “Judgement”
Arrogance cannot coexist with love.
Disappointment, the black hole that swallows all joy.
Joy, contentment, and peace are absent your responses . . . replaced with name calling, labels and barbs of expectations unfulfilled in my human replies. The last two letters you used the terms “disappointed, liberal, liar, scoffer, false prophet, damnable heresies, hell bound, deceived, and gobbledygook.”
I came to you with an open heart,… Read More
Forgive and Forget? Never!
“I asked you to forgive me!” When someone says, “please forgive me” there is an implied resolution, “My part is over.… Read More
Some who have read Thinking Out Loud; Uncovering an Extraordinary Life have mentioned the vehemence of the chapter entitled “Dear Bastard.” They said it seemed out of place with the tenderness and beauty of the chapters that preceded and followed.… Read More