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Posts published in “Authentic”

How To Run Barefoot With Your Heart

I don’t run, jog, or even have a regular physical regimen (I know, I know, it shows). But I’ve been fascinated by reading “Born to Run,” the story of the Tarahumara Indian runners who have found the secret of no injury running for hundreds and hundreds of miles by going barefoot (or minimalist coverings).

The book says where there is pain, injury, abnormalities,
look for … Read More

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Born to Run

We are born with everything we need.

Tarahumara Indians of northern Mexico are known as The Running People. They can run 16x further than a marathon . . . Barefoot! Studies have shown the modern, expensive running shoes, with all their extra cushion in the heel, have destroyed our natural running style, causing decades of injuries.

Running barefoot allows our feet to … Read More

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