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Your Walkabout

Dear Grandchild,

The Aboriginal people of Australia practice a rite of passage from adolescence to adulthood called a Walkabout.  In past generations, it entailed a journey of up to 1000 miles where the young boy travels alone, proving he can physically and mentally survive the harrowing dangers of the Outback to prove his bravery and value to society.  He must also use his time alone to reflect upon his … Read More

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Dear Grandchild – Experience vs. Relationship

The other day, I overheard one parent say to another, “I want my child to have the grandparent experience.”   The word that caught my attention was “experience” wondering why they wouldn’t say “relationship” as in “I want my child to have a great relationship with their grandparent.” 

Experiences are certainly fun and exciting and worth creating to add to your storehouse of great memories.  Yet, experiences are temporary and … Read More

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A New Perspective

Man existed long before the creation of religion, the uncovering of psychology, physics and all the myriad of sciences and studies we take for granted today. As a result, we believe that our systems of understanding who we are and our place in the world has been a long established truth, when in fact, humanity is but the tiniest of specs in the history of the cosmos. Read More (more ...)

The Pistol

The cold trigger curved around my finger….hammer cocked….a bullet anticipating a strike and thrust. The woods smelled of Fall, dry leaves crunched under my legs as I squatted down and leaned against a thick birch tree. I heard rustling sounds, imagining squirrels playfully darting back and forth, birds singing their last song of summer. In just another moment, it would all be silence. Read More (more ...)